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Starbucks Toffee Coffee???


While shopping at one of my local stores recently, I stumbled across some pre-ground coffee from Starbucks.  The coffee was the Starbucks House Blend, and it was stated as having toffee notes!  Well, toffee and coffee make for a hilarious rhyme, so I had to pick it up!


Getting home, I took a look at the package. The front was a nice dark green like the Starbucks logo.


The back describes the story of the blend, in this case arabica coffee, as well as noting that this is a product designed for multiple markets.


There was also a side panel that described how to prepare the coffee. 


Opening the bag, there a strong and rich earthy smell, although I didn’t notice any toffee or sweet scents.


I poured some of the coffee grounds into my filter.


And then added some water.


As the water slowly filtered down into my Starbucks year of the rabbit mug, there was a strong, warm coffee scent, but again, no real sweetness filling the air.


After waiting for a few minutes, the mug was finally full, and it was time to try the Starbucks House Blend with toffee notes.


The coffee was indeed a medium roast, as it didn’t have the burned and charred taste that a lot of Starbucks dark roasts seemed to have.  The blend had a mild aftertaste, and there was a low level of acidity and bitterness to it.  I also noticed just a hint….a tiny bit…of toffee flavour to the coffee. It was like a hidden secret waiting to tickle your tongue, and then run away!


I did like the Starbucks House Blend with toffee notes.  It makes a nice comfortable mug of coffee. While there wasn’t a strong toffee taste, it seems like a great choice for a relaxing afternoon of curling up in front of the fire with a good book.

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